Coachwork by Letourner et Marchand
Letourner et Marchand FAQs (show)
Q: What manufacturers did Letourner et Marchand create coachwork for? A: Letourner et Marchand created coachwork for (at least) the following manufacturers: Bugatti, Delage, Delahaye, Hispano Suiza, Pierce Arrow, Rolls-Royce Q: What body styles did Letourner et Marchand create? A: Letourner et Marchand created (at least) the following body styles: 3 Position Cabriolet, Aerosport Coupe, Berline, Cabriolet, Convertible Roadster, Coupe, Letourner et Marchand Berline, Limousine, Saloon, Three-Position Convertible