Coachwork by Barker
Q: What manufacturers did Barker create coachwork for? A: Barker created coachwork for (at least) the following manufacturers: Bentley, Daimler, Duesenberg, Mercedes-Benz, Packard, Rolls-Royce Q: What body styles did Barker create? A: Barker created (at least) the following body styles: 710 Barker Roadster, Barker Sedanca Limousine, Barker Sunroof Coupe, Boattail Hunting Car, Brougham de Ville, Brougham Limousine de Ville, Cabriolet, Continental Close-Coupled Saloon, Continental Sportsman Coupe, Derby Cabriolet, Double Pullman Limousine, Drophead Coupe, Dual Cowl Phaeton, Landaulette, Limousine, London to Edinburgh Tourer, Open Drive Landaulette, Open Sports Tourer, Roadster, Roi-des-Belge Tourer, Roi-des-Belges Tourer, Salamanca, Salon Cabriolet, Saloon, Sedanca Coupe, Sedanca de Ville, Sedanca DeVille, Skiff Tourer, Sport Special Drophead Coupe, Sport Touring Saloon, Sports Coupe Cabriolet, Sports Saloon, Sports Torpedo Cabriolet, Three-Position Drophead Coupe, Torpedo Phaeton, Torpedo Sports, Torpedo Tourer, Tourer, Touring